Last night I watched the movie Titanic directed by James Cameron. I know its not a new movie, but it relates to something I'll be talking about later. But real quick, Titanic. If you've seen this movie than you know how incredible it is. It is no surprise to me that it won so many movie awards as it did. After the movie, I watched "behind the scenes" and I was just amazed with how much work goes into making such a movie like this. Some people may not like this movie, but I think part of the reason why I like this movie so much is because its based off of a true tragic event. I think the movie does a great job in bringing you back and making you realize what it may have been like when the Titanic sank. Its so tragic and so sad, and was totally preventable. I find that this is a moving movie from beginning to end- even if there is a few mussy parts I could do without, I loved it! There's just something to say about movies and how they communicate visually to you, and that's really why I love movies! James Cameron is an amazing director and he shows that again and again. Which brings me to my next movie.
For those of you who may not have seen Avatar NEED TOO! I don't know about you, but I'm the kind of person where if something becomes really big and popular, I draw away from it, and I don't really care to be apart of it. For example, when everyone read the Harry Potter books and were obsessed, I didn't want to read them just because everyone else was. It was the same thing with Avatar. I heard so much hype about it, I didn't care to see it. I've experienced in the past that when something becomes hyped up, it can disappoint you in the end, so I thought for sure I would not like this movie. But I was wrong.
I couldn't believe the creativity of this movie! James Cameron seriously did an astounding job! I have heard from some people that this movie was a mix of Fern Gully and Pocahontas, and I can see where they got those connections, but really, its its own unique story. At first I thought this movie was going to be an "all guy" movie, but I really enjoyed it. It was actually my Mom who got me to go see it. She told me she really liked it a lot. I don't want to give anything away, But I will let you know that this movie is kind of an anti-human movie. Like, I've never cheered so much against humans before in my entire life, but its for a good cause. I might have changed a few things here and there with the ending, but overall, this movie was spectacular and deserves all the attention it got. Go see it! Its still in some theaters, and I suggest you see it in theaters if you can.
I give it 4 stars!
Then real quick, I wanted to talk about The Last Song. I'm kind of embarrassed to admit that I went to this movie, but my cousins where in town and one just finished the book and they wanted to see it. So we went. I was kind of upset to see this movie come out with Miley Cyrus playing the main girl because I really like Nicholas Sparks books, and I really enjoyed the Notebook Movie, but I can't stand Miley Cyrus. So... when this movie came out, I tried to put that aside and really try to like her, but I just couldn't. I thought her acting was just over the top and too cliche'. But, if you like Miley and like her in her little shows, then maybe it wouldn't bother you. I know my Dad and Grandpa liked her acting.... if that says anything... It was definitely a teenage bopper movie where you find yourself rolling your eyes a lot, but I thought everyone else in the movie did a good job. Lets me just say, without Miley I would give this movie 2 stars. With... i would give it 1. So there you go.
Stay tune for more movies. The next movies on my list to see are:
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